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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Embarassing moment of the day-Maybe worse than the vomit of lies in the past

Everyone has one, and I know many of you look to me for the doozies. Today's doozy... Hit reply with this statement to the Circus Fitness Class at Gleason's Gymnastic school in Eagan. It was meant to go to the hubby..."Sounds like fun, we should go and try it out... Maybe learn a "trick" or two. Teehee". Sweating with the embarrassment of having to go under an incognito name if we do sign , I quickly sent an apology. Can they sue you for harassment for this kind of thing?

Oh so sorry

Yes, it has been far too long, but one of many reasons (the main) is that my poor tank of a computer was down. We are talking so far down, I was not too sure it was coming back up for air. Technology....always need one and the other to make a perfect pair. Much like life. Save that for another story. Thankfully my magician of a brother in law took a week (yes, I said a week... my computer was really really caput) out of his life to give my trusty friend life once again. "breathe, breathe". Saving for a mac one survey at a time. Yes, Dell is a trusty brand, heck my husband spilled a glass of milk on this sucker and after pouring it out, (no lie) it still ran like a champ.

I hope your summer has started off with a bang. Our first day of summer did end with a sunny sky so that has got to be positive. On my postive note, I am taking a look at Bethany Frankel and going to be more assertive and open. I will keep you posted on how that bit of housewife tude goes over in this house. "Like we need any more" my hubby might say. Au contraire my dear, yes...yes we do!!

On a final note, I just learned of poor Jake and Vienna. Although I am not sure what is more shocking, the split or his turtle neck. Let me know what you think.