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Friday, August 27, 2010

Where does the time go?

I promised early on I would never post too frequently, but looking back it has been two months. What was I thinking? I would never abandon you!! Many of you have been busy as well. Building homes, going to Europe...ME? Just a typical summer of kids and life. I did get a part time job as so many of you know. It was a bucket list thing. I am now a full fledged barista at the friendly neighborhood Caribou Coffee. Love it, Love it. Recently though, we were in Proctor for good ole Hoghead days and my dad's birthday. Where spending time with the fam is flawless, my day however was not as much. Stung by a bee for the first time-ouch!!!! Knowing I am not the only one in the world to get stung I did have to complain a tad. To top it off, the b-day cake I spent four days prepping for my dad fell in about four seconds to the floor. SPLAT. Now, my husband being the kind man he is, said "honey, no worries, everyone expects this kind of thing from you. It's cute and your so quirky." Now my gal readers know in the heat of the moment, no one wants to hear this. We did get some great pics of us eating off of the fine china AKA the floor though. Memories, memories. Making this short for many of you as well I are gettingready for the back to school dash. I am sad to see Makenzee go, she is a doll. A doll who as of last month has outgrown her mom. Just another valuable reason to consistently wear the heel and wedge. Toodles...