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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I know you can see it, but can you taste it?

Well, my stay at home mommies. It is getting so much closer. WE can see it. You know the bright light that is coming in through the windows a bit earlier each day. I can almost taste the fresh air of being able to bring stella out and let her run it out. Are you feeling couped up too? Climbing the walls at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Maybe waiting for the older siblings to come home so you can have a tad bit of extra "adult" conversation? How many projects can you do in a day to keep yourself busy? All of the extra muffins and brownies and cookies we have baked here in the afternoons are fab, but even though gluten free, my body may be resembling it's own form of the muffin top. Running outside you say? still to dangerous for sure. Leslie in the living room, yes, with stella being a great leslie fan herself it is a challenge. So for now, I am opening the blinds first thing in the morning and letting the light in a tad sooner, physically and mentally. It is going to be a great shiny day!!!