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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why I love fall....

It could be because of the great coffee house flavors that come out each season. How many ways can we do pumpkin anyways??? I don't care I just wanna keep em' coming. I am first in line for the seasonal java fix. Then I drink them as I page through my 15 magazine subs, that feature all of the fall styles and good down home flavors for cooking. ahhhh.....good times. This fall is extraordinary too, because my littlest has started preschool four days out of the week. So extra time to me to do all of the above at a somewhat leisurely pace. This year to add to the oh's and ah's is the new Fall line from J Brand. So classic, these work for everyone, no doubt in my mind. So, run to your favorite coffee house, page through these fab finds and pick a few out that are must haves to add to your Fall line. These are courtesy of my membership of The Vogue Influencer Network. Must start with a base: (these are the one's I wanna try) How about tops you say? (yeah, this one) (you need a good pea coat) (another personal fav) Here's how they piece them together