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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Every now and then

Yes, every now and then I need to do it. I would like to think that yes, my glass is more than half full. Then there are days or even instances that make you think people suck. There, I said it. PEOPLE SUCK!!! As we get older, we grow up right? I know I have and believe the good in everyone. Then, I took a step back today and took a closer look. Not all people are good. There are people out there that are just for themselves and a small select group of the ELITE. I have never belonged to the ELITE club. There was a time I might have sold my soul to join. As I sit here in Eden Prairie, home to some of the biggest ELITE I might say, I am reminded that they are everywhere. South to North. So, today, maybe take a step back and look at what club you are in and weather or not you still want to be an honorary member. Looks can be deceiving and there are clubs out there were you don't need to pay a "fee"!! Let me know your thoughts.

Today's Deal: Free samples of oral care. You will be entered into a sweepstakes and then forwarded to the sample page. Thank you Roland.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better. ;-) I've, just in the past couple years, gotten to know myself better and realized that being part of the Elite club some of my nearest and dearest are in was not for me and why bother? Keeping up with the jones' just keeps you wanting more and stop appreciating the awesome things you have. Which are usually the things that the Elite wish they had...Good for you for knowing who you and what you don't want to be.
