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Saturday, December 22, 2012

To Oral B, Or not to Oral B????

I say TO Oral B of course. Such a superior clean to anything I have used in the past. Wohoo I say...WooHooo!!! It has given me that "I just walked out of the dental office" clean. I have always been a dental girl, loved going to the dentist and having my teeth cleaned. This feels so good that I actually seem to brush longer than the two minutes. I have been a die hard Sonic care toothbrush gal for about 8 years now. But was so super open to trying the Oral B Professional Smart Series 5000, when Modern Mom offered me the opportunity to try this one out for free. The first thing that I noticed was that it was a tad more loud than my Sonic Care. This, I am chalking up to that it is working much harder and cleaning a lot more too. It has 5 clean modes so I can always choose the right speed that I am needing for the day. There is also a pressure indicator so those times that I am applying to much it is sure to tell me. I am a repeat offender of this and my gums are now thanking me. The unit comes with a four brush head charger station, there is room for a menagerie of heads. The wireless SmartGuide that helps maximize brushing performance is so cool and techy.With happy faces and stars, it is a great addition. The brush head itself is so great too. It is shaped a tad bigger than a professional prophy brush so it really cups each tooth and I can get way back behind those back molars and get a good super clean. There is also a special brush head that I will be getting that has a whitener built in. I did find that I get more spitty too, at first I was not sure what this was about, but chalked it up to that it is cleaning more, so it is making more. This brush like the sonic has a pause and a quadrant beep to let me know when to switch to the next area of my mouth. So that insures that each part is getting equal time. The one down fall that I can tell you about is that my teeth get so clean that during the day, when they start to not feel so clean I feel like I need to go and brush them. If I am in the car I start to obsess about getting home to brush because that is all I can focus on is getting them sparkling clean again. There can be worse things to obsess over, so I am not losing sleep over this one. The level of clean that this brush gives is second to none. I have banished my Sonic Care to the back of the linen closet and I have made a permanent comfy home on my counter for my New Oral B. My husband will be getting his brush head soon. I would feel bad to keep this to myself. here is the Oral B offical website so you can see the stats for yourself. This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of Oral B or Modern Mom. I did not receive any compensation for my opinion.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Woohoo!!! This is happening!!!

You need to grab your glass of Rose' and take some time to really enjoy this one. Your welcome. IN VOGUE: THE EDITOR'S EYE takes a look at some of the world's most influential fashion images conceived by the magazine's iconic fashion editors. Hear from legendary editors including Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington as well as celebrated Vogue muses Nicole Kidman and Sarah Jessica Parker. Fashion industry icons like Vera Wang and Marc Jacobs share their experiences collaborating with Vogue photographers and editors. The Documentary debuts exclusively on HBO December 6th and coincides with the 120th anniversary of Vogue.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall means new shoes. Check these out form

One of the best designers ever!!! Never to let us down. These are exclusive and so fun, something for everyone. Check them out and let me know what you think. My favorites so far are the Diffuse Sandals and Ling-Ling Tote. These opinions are my own and I am part of the Vogue Influencer network who helps me out with these pictures and videos. I can honestly say that they are awesome, but again, that is just me. I am not paid in anyway to give my opinion. Enjoy, Enjoy. I am going to drool over these a tad more.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why I love fall....

It could be because of the great coffee house flavors that come out each season. How many ways can we do pumpkin anyways??? I don't care I just wanna keep em' coming. I am first in line for the seasonal java fix. Then I drink them as I page through my 15 magazine subs, that feature all of the fall styles and good down home flavors for cooking. ahhhh.....good times. This fall is extraordinary too, because my littlest has started preschool four days out of the week. So extra time to me to do all of the above at a somewhat leisurely pace. This year to add to the oh's and ah's is the new Fall line from J Brand. So classic, these work for everyone, no doubt in my mind. So, run to your favorite coffee house, page through these fab finds and pick a few out that are must haves to add to your Fall line. These are courtesy of my membership of The Vogue Influencer Network. Must start with a base: (these are the one's I wanna try) How about tops you say? (yeah, this one) (you need a good pea coat) (another personal fav) Here's how they piece them together

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Here's a great way to maybe win a Coach bag,

You can just click on the dot and viola? are you a winner today? so simple.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Junk food this you?

I learned yesterday that as an average woman we are only supposed to take in 20 grams of sugar a day. WHAT!!!!! well then, my day is done at 5:45 a.m. after I have finished my bowl of oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey in it.
So i vowed to be more conscious of it and my days. The rest of yesterday went well.
This morning, awesome. Then, and I am going to blame this lack of judgement on my weight training this morning, and how ravenous I can get. I saw an open bag of coconut in the pantry and I took half that sucker down.
How am I feeling now you say? Full, really really full. And what has this got to say about my will power? Am I forever lost? Stupid white bag of goodness. Oh great, now I sound like a crack addict. :)
so, do I make piece and just finish that sucker off and live by the cartoon? The fullness leaves and I always seem to forget the feeling. How about you?
Sometimes it is the funniest of cartoons that are really are the truth.
Happy scavenging.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Is your breakfast served?

This time being a bzz agent gave me the opportunity to help myself and my family. I was given the opportunity to give my family Quaker Oatmeal Squares. Many of you know we are a family of grazers. SO this was a perfect thing for us to try out on the go and at the breakfast table of course. My family really enjoys a universal cereal. You know the type. The ones that are good for you as a base. But on the more fun side of the box, the ones that are so super good when you have a bowl of it with milk, at any time of the day. Also, the ones that you can enjoy straight out of the box as a grab and go kind of snack or meal. This cereal does it all and all of us love it that way. We are a busy family and we are always on the go and love to snack on the way. Many times it is meals on the way. I think it is great that I can put this cereal in a baggie for my teenager to bring to school to munch on between classes. I feel good knowing she is getting something healthy, and not something empty out of the vending machine. It has the best amount of sweetness so she feels like she is getting a treat. Same goes for my preschooler. We put these in her tupperwear and she can just tote them around and snack as needed. I like to see them eating it out of their breakfast bowls as well of course. A splash of milk and voila, it is just more vitamins and minerals being added to their day.
Go grab your box and graze on. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ever have one of those days?

Where you feel so super great and you just know good things are going to happen? Today is that day. UPS just dropped off my Talbots gift card the I won as a Vogue Influencer. I am so excited to go and try this stuff out. I am grown up now (bummer) and I love these stores to help me look pulled together and stylish, and my age. Not too old and not like I shop my teenagers closet. Here are some of their past Holiday looks. Let me know what you think and what I should shop for first.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Embrace the sleek of Fekkai

I thought I would post the fab hair from the show. I am going to try and embrace the sleekness. Just realized this morning that some of these gals are wearing extensions. Teehee. I am so gullible. But i think it is gorg. I included the video too for you to see how it was done too.

My Fekkai win

I could post and post about this for sure. Two months later my hair has grown so beautifully thanks to this makeover. Then seeing this posted as a Vogue Influencer gave me the chance to relive it. Also, in the video, if you pause it at 18 and 19 seconds in and look down the isle you can see me in all my fabulousness. No lie, the products are fab and the ones I got in my gift bag I treat as gold. Seeing the video brings me back to the great California October weather and my feet are remembering the blisters and bruises they endured on the many walks up and down Sunset. Jen Aniston is staying at the hotel we stayed at. Kelli Cutrone was checking out as we were and Charlize Theron was checking in!!! Oh to be one of the cool kids for three days was a memory I will cherish for ages! Watch the video here.

let me know if it does not work, You can see it on facebook too.