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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Junk food this you?

I learned yesterday that as an average woman we are only supposed to take in 20 grams of sugar a day. WHAT!!!!! well then, my day is done at 5:45 a.m. after I have finished my bowl of oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey in it.
So i vowed to be more conscious of it and my days. The rest of yesterday went well.
This morning, awesome. Then, and I am going to blame this lack of judgement on my weight training this morning, and how ravenous I can get. I saw an open bag of coconut in the pantry and I took half that sucker down.
How am I feeling now you say? Full, really really full. And what has this got to say about my will power? Am I forever lost? Stupid white bag of goodness. Oh great, now I sound like a crack addict. :)
so, do I make piece and just finish that sucker off and live by the cartoon? The fullness leaves and I always seem to forget the feeling. How about you?
Sometimes it is the funniest of cartoons that are really are the truth.
Happy scavenging.

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