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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Little lie...Lots of Guilt.

Was outside with Stella today to hopefully "run" into the assoc. leader or lawyers I am not sure who they were but I really needed to fess up. REWIND to yesterday afternoon. Official looking people walking around the property looking at siding and such. Head official guy looks at my neighbors and I told them "no one lives there any more". Then he looks and sees that my neighbor friend Lisa's car is in their spot and proceeds to ask me "whose car is that?" Without a hesitation i say "i am not sure." WHAT??? Did i just lie? It was like throw up, it just happened. He knew i was lying i could read it in his face. That and he pointed to her house and said, "i think it is their car". Oh crap. I just directed stella to her chalk and ignored him. But the guilt I had was awful. And then i thought am I going to get in trouble now? (i know for what) Silly, Silly right? It was on the verge of keeping me up last night, if it was not for the trash mag i was reading, i think it would have been tough. Hoping to not run into the "mad men" again. So, have a good laugh on my neurosis and go to bed guilt free.

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