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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Love being a Vogue Influencer

I was so very fortunate to be picked as a Vogue style influencer. I have rcv'd lancome mascara's before they hit the market and most recently the L'oreal Youth Code kit. There were three steps in it. I take the couple extra moments and treat myself. Using the eye cream is the best with it's cool applicator-literally. I have never really been loyal to a product. I just take the freebies and move on. Until now... I even saw the anchors chat about this on The Today Show this a.m. You all know I am a sucker for marketers, but if it good enough for the today show it is goo enough for me.
here's the links if you are interested in exactly what I am using. here is to great skin for the New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Glory in the small things

Yesterday and today I learned to be patient and yes, wait for it....Break out the play-doh. Where it was messy Stella was oh so good. She even put it away herself. Bonus. But the real sanity saver was the sink with a titch of H2O and mega bubbles. Add some mixing cups, spoons and funnel and momma finishes two, yes two magazines. AHHHHHH. Also this week I won some fab faux eyelashes. Thinking they were a short/unfulfilled order of mineral makeup I had ordered (which after FEDEX tracking is scheduled to arrive tomorrow-oops) I was cussing all the way from the mailbox to the front door. Opened it up and SURPRISE. Free Stuff love it. They look so glam with the new eyeshadow quad I won two weeks ago. Just waiting for the IPAD to show up now (yes, I am hoping to win one). Keep Ya Posted. Merry Christmas. Yes, I said it and you should too, I still say Christmas break as well and I love it...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Things I learned this week...

1. If you can get your hubby to give you a half hour in the bathroom sans kids and you add enough Aveda product, You can blow out your hair fabulously and walk out smelling as if you left a swanky salon.

2. Just because some one has one of those fancy new electric soap dispensers, it does not mean they upgraded their sink to electric as well, no matter how long you stand there and wave your hands around it.

3. And last and sigh, not the least, Kitchen Aid mixers are not invincible. Just add 1cp too much oat flour and wammo you can strip a gear faster than your toddler can say "no!!! I don't Like it" before they even see it. On the plus side you can google how to take it apart and feel oh so cool when said hubby comes home and see's "his" new project sitting on the counter already semi taken apart, to your part of comfortabilty.

The Holidays are now upon us which means so much more time for me to get myself in trouble. With a wedding in the family next week and me in charge of a few key aspects I am sure fun times and tragedy are just on the horizon. Toodles!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

look at them freebies and know you are lucky in life

Yes, I post most of them on FB, it is so much faster in a sense. I wanted to write a quick note on how lucky I am feeling lately. Curious George, Toothpaste, Houseparty etc. I also rcv'd a dvd with Dean Cain in it. It is called The Way Home. As he is no superman in this one, he does remind us of the power of love and patience and keeping an open eye. WE love our kids, all need a good hug and need to remind ourselves how lucky life really is. If you come across this one, sit the whole family down with a good bowl of popcorn and have a little faith. So, as they sit with the play-doh this chilly season, sit with them and open your imagination.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Where does the time go?

I promised early on I would never post too frequently, but looking back it has been two months. What was I thinking? I would never abandon you!! Many of you have been busy as well. Building homes, going to Europe...ME? Just a typical summer of kids and life. I did get a part time job as so many of you know. It was a bucket list thing. I am now a full fledged barista at the friendly neighborhood Caribou Coffee. Love it, Love it. Recently though, we were in Proctor for good ole Hoghead days and my dad's birthday. Where spending time with the fam is flawless, my day however was not as much. Stung by a bee for the first time-ouch!!!! Knowing I am not the only one in the world to get stung I did have to complain a tad. To top it off, the b-day cake I spent four days prepping for my dad fell in about four seconds to the floor. SPLAT. Now, my husband being the kind man he is, said "honey, no worries, everyone expects this kind of thing from you. It's cute and your so quirky." Now my gal readers know in the heat of the moment, no one wants to hear this. We did get some great pics of us eating off of the fine china AKA the floor though. Memories, memories. Making this short for many of you as well I are gettingready for the back to school dash. I am sad to see Makenzee go, she is a doll. A doll who as of last month has outgrown her mom. Just another valuable reason to consistently wear the heel and wedge. Toodles...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Embarassing moment of the day-Maybe worse than the vomit of lies in the past

Everyone has one, and I know many of you look to me for the doozies. Today's doozy... Hit reply with this statement to the Circus Fitness Class at Gleason's Gymnastic school in Eagan. It was meant to go to the hubby..."Sounds like fun, we should go and try it out... Maybe learn a "trick" or two. Teehee". Sweating with the embarrassment of having to go under an incognito name if we do sign , I quickly sent an apology. Can they sue you for harassment for this kind of thing?

Oh so sorry

Yes, it has been far too long, but one of many reasons (the main) is that my poor tank of a computer was down. We are talking so far down, I was not too sure it was coming back up for air. Technology....always need one and the other to make a perfect pair. Much like life. Save that for another story. Thankfully my magician of a brother in law took a week (yes, I said a week... my computer was really really caput) out of his life to give my trusty friend life once again. "breathe, breathe". Saving for a mac one survey at a time. Yes, Dell is a trusty brand, heck my husband spilled a glass of milk on this sucker and after pouring it out, (no lie) it still ran like a champ.

I hope your summer has started off with a bang. Our first day of summer did end with a sunny sky so that has got to be positive. On my postive note, I am taking a look at Bethany Frankel and going to be more assertive and open. I will keep you posted on how that bit of housewife tude goes over in this house. "Like we need any more" my hubby might say. Au contraire my dear, yes...yes we do!!

On a final note, I just learned of poor Jake and Vienna. Although I am not sure what is more shocking, the split or his turtle neck. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Every now and then

Yes, every now and then I need to do it. I would like to think that yes, my glass is more than half full. Then there are days or even instances that make you think people suck. There, I said it. PEOPLE SUCK!!! As we get older, we grow up right? I know I have and believe the good in everyone. Then, I took a step back today and took a closer look. Not all people are good. There are people out there that are just for themselves and a small select group of the ELITE. I have never belonged to the ELITE club. There was a time I might have sold my soul to join. As I sit here in Eden Prairie, home to some of the biggest ELITE I might say, I am reminded that they are everywhere. South to North. So, today, maybe take a step back and look at what club you are in and weather or not you still want to be an honorary member. Looks can be deceiving and there are clubs out there were you don't need to pay a "fee"!! Let me know your thoughts.

Today's Deal: Free samples of oral care. You will be entered into a sweepstakes and then forwarded to the sample page. Thank you Roland.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers Day was it? You know, the spoil "ME" rotten day? Please no dishes, no laundry , no meal planning. Did it work out well for ya? For me? Oh yes, yes, yes!!!! Woke up to peacefully getting dressed and makeup applied. That's a biggie. No little fingers in my blush and brushes. Downstairs we trot to cards and a gift bag waiting to be opened. Cards from the girls are always so great. And the piece de resistance...A porcelain reusable Starbucks mug. Oh the Glory. But, am I responsible enough not to break it? Then off to IHOP. Breakfast again there was interesting. We always vow to never go back. We did, ended up with a long dark hair in hubbies sunny side up eggs, found it when he was down to the last bite. YUCK!!!! Stella did get a balloon though. YEAH! Como Zoo, all the animals awake and vibrant. Cupcakes on France. My family knows me so well. Don't let anyone say you can't do mothers day on a budget. Hope yours was just as awesome!! Don't forget to share this with your friends, if they can relate..

Today's deal: 3 free greeting cards from Just pay shipping. Use code card4grad. Enjoy
thank you pocket your dollars

New to Swagbucks?

Check it out. Lots of free stuff, addicting to get points. Could be fun.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hi, hello, how are you? Goodbye...

This past weekend was a 24 hour whirlwind of driving , coffee, formal dresses and the best breakfast in the Northland. But it always comes with too quick of hello's and goodbyes. It involves the beauty of the blended family. My husband and I packed up the gals and the faithful dog and drove to Duluth for stop #1. Dad's. He is the best dog sitter we know. Prada has even come home with a tummy full of her own Happy Meal. (No lie). Quick Hello number one. Then it is off to moms to drop of the girls. With a quick "here look at the freebies I got you, no don't worry if Stella doesn't eat and yes she still goes to bed at 6:15 with a story." we are off to Ely. Jordan's grandmarch. So beautiful. One of the highlights was me in my dress and 3in high heels on the back of a fourwheeler prior. Pics to come soon I am sure. Derrick was teary eyed as he watched his first born dawn the stairs in her formal escorted by her beau. More quick hello's and just as quick goodbye's as she went off to her dance. I think we were in Ely equally as long as it took us to drive there; from Duluth. Back to moms for the night. Wake up and gracefully dart out in the a.m. for our breakfast ritual. Back to moms. Derrick has found yet another fourwheeler. (the north's preferred mode of transportation i am now sure). We are off for another ride in another town. Goodbye to moms. #3 stop was grandpa Ed's with a visit with him and d's mom. "Hello/goodbye." Off to dads for the beloved pet. Short stay with a quick lunch. Hello/Goodbye. Insert drive home here. As you can see in a nut shell the drive was equally made up of quick salutations as the hours spent in the car. Way to fast, way to sorrowful. Stop and smell the roses? Please, we have to lay off the accelerator first.
Todays freebie: To keep you energized on your ride.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Little lie...Lots of Guilt.

Was outside with Stella today to hopefully "run" into the assoc. leader or lawyers I am not sure who they were but I really needed to fess up. REWIND to yesterday afternoon. Official looking people walking around the property looking at siding and such. Head official guy looks at my neighbors and I told them "no one lives there any more". Then he looks and sees that my neighbor friend Lisa's car is in their spot and proceeds to ask me "whose car is that?" Without a hesitation i say "i am not sure." WHAT??? Did i just lie? It was like throw up, it just happened. He knew i was lying i could read it in his face. That and he pointed to her house and said, "i think it is their car". Oh crap. I just directed stella to her chalk and ignored him. But the guilt I had was awful. And then i thought am I going to get in trouble now? (i know for what) Silly, Silly right? It was on the verge of keeping me up last night, if it was not for the trash mag i was reading, i think it would have been tough. Hoping to not run into the "mad men" again. So, have a good laugh on my neurosis and go to bed guilt free.

Here we go....

I can tell you this may be as fashionable as Orange County with out the nudity of New York and negativity of Orange County. Who doesn't love a little local flare? So far, so quite for now. Got the baby down for her nap and thought now would be a great time to start sharing my mommy life with the world. Alas, nothing too crazy today, but it is still early. D just came home for a quick.....lunch. gotcha. He is in between jobs and had a chance to come and visit. What a great soul. If there was anybody more busy right now I am not sure. So, on that note here's to my first post and to many, many more. Buckle your belts, it could be a crazy wig wearing, wine sipping ride.